Federal Land – Environmental Law Attorney
Experienced representation in complex issues.
Public land Laws, National forest system land Laws, Refuge land Laws, BOR land Laws, and BOI land Laws, and Environmental Laws are designed to protect certain statutory and regulatory entitlements, as well as to protect various federal land resources. Understanding the full scope of these laws requires knowledge about federal legislation, state statutes, agency regulations, and civil and criminal laws. Schroeder Law has more than 30 years of experience assisting individuals, entities, and counties with providing advise and compliance with these laws.
Complex laws governing Federal Land – Environment
A number of laws and agencies are involved in the management of Public Lands, National Forest System Lands, Wilderness Areas, Refuge Lands, and other Special Use Areas, including State owned Lands. Our attorneys remain updated on new laws and court decisions to provide professional service to our clients. Some of the essential laws we use in our work include:
Taylor Grazing Act (TGA)
Federal Land Policy and Management Act (FLPMA)
National Forest Management Act (NFMA)
National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA)
Endangered Species Act (ESA)
Federal Quiet Title Act (QTA)
Archaeological Resources Protection Act (ARPA)
RS 2477 (road rights-of-way)
RS 2339 (ditch rights-of-way)
Clean Air Act (CAA)
Clean Water Act (CWA)
The best time to address federal land or environmental concerns is prior to action by any governmental agency. Our attorneys work closely with you, range experts, water experts, engineers and scientists to ensure environmental compliance. If your company has questions about compliance, our attorneys can assist you.
Cathedral Rock, south of Longview Ranch, near Fossil, Oregon
Litigation gives you recourse to protect any rights you may have, as well as defend against actions by governmental agencies or others that may desire to impair any rights you may have. Our attorneys are prepared to provide representation to you to handle these types of matters.